Arabic Vocabulary: Colors in Arabic

The colors in Arabic

Color (in Arabic:       لون ): is what you see when you modify the pigments so that light is physically seen by the human eye (called the response) and translated in the brain (called the process).

The human eye has three color receptors, respectively sensitive to red, green, and blue. A color can be defined by three components. We can use the rate of red, green, and blue, which corresponds to the system Red Green Blue (RGB). It is used for example in computer science but remains far from our natural perception of colors.

Arabic Vocabulary: Color in Arabic

Primary Colors in Arabic

ColorColor’s Nameliteral Trans.Arabic Trans. (m)Arabic Trans. (f)Sample
Red‘ahmar      أحمر       حمراء Leila’s hair is red
cha^ro leila ahmar
      شعر ليلى أحمر
Green‘akhdar      أخضر       خضراء A green Apple
tuffaha khathraa’
      تفاحة خضراء
Blue‘azraq      أزرق       زرقاء The sky is blue
as samaa’o zarqaa’
      السماء زرقاء

Complementary colors are colors that, combined, contain all the colors of the spectrum and no pool.

Secondary Colors in Arabic

The three secondary colors in the additive system are:

ColorColor’s Nameliteral Trans.Arabic Trans. (m)Arabic Trans. (f)
+=Yellow‘asfar      أصفر       صفراء
+=Cyan‘azraq samaoui      سماوي       سماوية
+=Magentaqormozy or orjwaany      قرمزي - أرجواني       قرمزية - أرجوانية

which are actually the primary colors of the subtractive system and give the system CMY(cyan, Magenta, yellow).

Other Colors in Arabic

here is a list of other basic colors :

ColorColor’s Nameletiral Trans.Arabic Trans. (m)
Black‘aswad      أسود
White‘abyad      أبيض
Greyramadi      رمادي
Purplebanafsaji      بنفسجي
Orangebortoqali      برتقالي
Brownbonni      بني
Pinkwardi      وردي
Goldthahabi      ذهبي
Silverfeddi      فضي

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  1. You’re more than welcome Faizah, Happy to hear that you’ve found your answer here 🙂

  2. This is very helpful, shukraan jidan for the post! The only comment I have is that I believe yellow (instead of green) is a primary color, while red+yellow=green. And red+blue make purple.

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