Emotions And Feelings in Arabic
Our Ability to interact with each other and manage our relationships with peers depends considerably on our ability to decipher their emotions and feelings. Moods are part of our life and we should embrace them and manage them to our advantage. That’s why in this Arabic lesson we are going to learn about the different moods and emotions and how to describe them in Arabic.
Angry | ghādib | غاضب | Confused | ḥā’ir | حائر | Delighted | mubtahij | مبتهج |
Disgusted | mushma’iz | مشمئز | Excited | mutaḥammis | متحمس | Frustrated | muḥbat | محبط |
Happy | sa’īd / masrūr / fariḥ | سعيد / مسرور / فرح | In Love | walḥān / fī al-ḥub | ولهان / في الحب | Sad | ḥazīn | حزين |
Shy | khajūl | خجول | Sleepy | na’sān | نعسان | Surprised | mundahish | مندهش |
Other Emotions and Feeling in Arabic
English Term | Arabic Transliteration | Arabic Translation |
Anxious | qaliq / mutashawiq | قلق / متشوق |
Ashamed | khajlān | خجلان |
Bored | dajir | ضجر |
Busy | mashghul | مشغول |
Comfortable | mūrtāḥ / mūstarīḥ | مرتاح / مستريح |
Depressed | mūkta’ib | مكتئب |
Frightened | kha’if / mar’ūb | خائف / مرعوب |
Furious | ghādib | غاضب |
Hurt | majrūḥ | مجروح |
Insecure | mutaza’zi’ / ghairu āmin | متزعزع / غير آمن |
Impatient | jazi’ / qalīlu as-sabr | جزع / قليل الصبر |
Jealous | ghayūr / ḥassūd | غيور / حسود |
Nervous | munfa’il / mutawattir | منفعل / متوتر |
Patient | sabūr | صبور |
Pleased | rādin / qanū’ | راض / قنوع |
Proud | fakhūr | فخور |
Relaxed | mustarīḥ | مستريح |
Satisfied | rādin / muqtani’ | راض / مقتنع |
Sensitive | ḥassāss | حساس |
Tired | mut3ab / murhaq | متعب / مرهق |
Unhappy | ta’īss | تعيس |
Worried | qaliq | قلق |
Amazed | Mondahich | مندهش |
Embarrassed | Mohraj | محرج |
Afraid | kha’if | خائف |
Sample Phrases of Feeling and Emotions in Arabic
John: Hey, What’s the matter? You look worried!
مهلا، ماالخطب؟ تبدو قلقا
Steve: Yes indeed, I lost my dog. I’m very worried about him.
نعم أنا كذلك، لقد فقدت كلبي، أنا جد قلق بشأنه
John: There is no need to worry, you’ll find him soon. If not, he will definitely find you.
لاداعي للقلق، ستجده قريبا و إن لم تجده فهو بالتأكيد من سيجدك
Steve: I wish I could relax now. I’m very confused and don’t know where to start looking!
كم تمنيت أن أهدأ الان، أنا في حيرة من أمري ولا أدري من أين أبدأ البحت
John: Well, I’ll help you find him. I definitely feel your pain. Did you check in the car?
?حسنا، سأساعدك في العثور عليه. أنا أتفهم شعورك بالتأكيد. هل تحققت منه في السيارة
Steve: Yes, that was the first think I did. He was not there.
أجل، كان ذلك أول ما قمت به. لاكنه لم يكن هناك
John: Look, he is coming from the other side of the street. He looks very tired.
أنظر، إنه قادم من الجانب الآخر من الشارع. يبدو انه جد متعب
Steve: Oh, Finally. I was really scared. Thanks for your help.
آه، أخيرا. كنت خائفا حقا. شكرا على مساعدتك
John: You’re welcome.
This is indeed very helpful, thanks!