لماذا تدرّس روسيا اللغة العربية؟

Why Arabic is being taught in Russia?
هل ستحافظ اللغة العربية في القرن الحادي والعشرين على مواقعها في المجالات العملية والثقافية في ظل ظروف العولمة ، بالرغم من بعض التوقعات المقلقة لمنظمة اليونيسكو ؟ ولماذا يتنامى في روسيا الاهتمام بدراسة اللغة العربية ؟ وكيف هو الحال بالنسبة للمدرسة الروسية ذات التقاليد العريقة في تعليم اللغة العربية واعداد المستعربين؟ واين سيطبق معارفهم اولئك المستعربون الذين تخرجوا من المعاهد العالية الروسية المتخصصة؟ هذه الاسئلة وغيرها تقع في مركز اهتمام ضيوف برنامج “بانوراما”.

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Arabic Vocabulary: Colors in Arabic

Color (in Arabic : لون): is what you see when you modify the pigments so that light physically seen by the human eye (called the response) and translated in the brain (called the process) .The human eye has three color receptors, respectively sensitive to red, green and blue. A color can be defined by three components. We can use the rate of red, green and blue, which corresponds to the system Red Green Blue (RGB). It is used for example in computer science but remains far from our natural perception of colors.

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Arabic Vocabulary: Job Titles and Occupations in Arabic

In our daily conversations, it’s very common to talk about someone’s occupation, especially when getting to know the person for the first time. Everybody in this word has an occupation; it’s one of those things that tell a lot a lot about a person. That’s why, in this “Learn Arabic” post, we’ve chosen to give you a list of common jobs.

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Arabic Grammar: Adjectives in Arabic

An adjective in Arabic is called Na’t نعت or Sifah صفة Singular of sifaat صفات and it’s typically a word that describes a noun (Object, person, place…) called man’oot منعوت or “mawssoof” موصوف. Unlike in English, the Arabic adjectives come after the noun they qualify and should agree with it in gender, number, and sometimes even in definiteness.

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The Pawsome World of Hilarious Animal Names in Arabic

Here is a list of animals in Arabic that we thought would be funny to pronounce and it would be easy for you to remember. What makes these Arabic names special is the fact that they sounds pretty much like the sound that these animals would make (Obviously not all of them). Well, it up to you to judge which ones are easy, but this is still a good exercise to practice the Arabic alphabets and learn some new Arabic vocabulary at the same time.

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tiger, animal, roar

From Mammals to Insects: Animal Names in Arabic made easy.

In this post, you will learn how to say the names of animals in Arabic, We have randomly selected this list and we hope it will help you remember some of these Arabic names. We will be posting similar lists that covers other topics sash as places, people, tools, transportation, and many more to come. Stay tuned for our upcoming post!

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Common Phrases in Arabic

In this post we are going to review some of the most common words and phrases in Arabic. These Arabic phrases can come in very handy in different situations and will be help you appreciate the progress you’ve made so far in your Arabic learning as well as your Arabic pronunciation. These steps might also help you overcome some of the difficulties you’ve encountered when learning the Arabic alphabets.

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Hellos and Greetings in Arabic

Hellos and Greetings in Arabic

In this lesson we will discuss the necessary phrases for greeting one another. The normal Hello/Hi in Arabic Greetings has two forms. The first one is “As-salaamu alaykum” السلام عليكم which is made of two words and means “Pease be upon you”. The response is switching words and adding a small “wa” at the beginning which means “and”, the result is “Wa alaykom salam” وعليكم السلام. The other form of saying Hello/Hi in Arabic is “Marḥaban” مرحبا…

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Learn the Arabic Numbers

Learn the Arabic Numbers

This lesson covers a very widely used element in Arabic which is the numbers. It will help you understand the numbers (cardinal numbers) in Arabic, and enables you to use them in real world applications.

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