Shopping Vocabulary: Bargain Like a Pro in Arabic!

Shopping in an Arabic-speaking country can be a unique and enjoyable experience, especially if you’re familiar with the language and cultural practices. One of the key elements of shopping in many Arabic markets or souks is the art of bargaining, which is often a friendly and expected part of the transaction. To help you navigate the shopping scene with confidence, here’s a guide to essential shopping vocabulary and bargaining phrases in Arabic.

1. Basic Shopping Vocabulary

Here are some essential words to know when you start your shopping journey:

  • Shop/Store: متجر (matjar)
  • Market: سوق (souq)
  • Price: سعر (si‘r)
  • Cheap: رخيص (rakhis)
  • Expensive: غالي (ghali)
  • Discount: خصم (khasm)
  • Sale: تخفيضات (takhfidhat)
  • Receipt: إيصال (eesal)
  • Return: إرجاع (irja‘)
  • Exchange: تبديل (tabdeel)
  • Shopping bag: حقيبة تسوق (haqeebat tasawuq)
  • Customer: زبون (zaboon)
  • Salesperson: بائع (ba‘i‘)
  • Quality: جودة (jawdah)

2. Bargaining Vocabulary

Bargaining (or haggling) is a common practice in many Arabic-speaking countries, especially in traditional markets. Here are some phrases to help you negotiate a better deal:

  • How much is this?
    كم سعر هذا؟ (Kam si‘r hatha?)
  • Can you lower the price?
    هل يمكنك تخفيض السعر؟ (Hal yumkinuka takhfeedh al-si‘r?)
  • This is too expensive!
    هذا غالي جدًا! (Hatha ghali jiddan!)
  • Give me a discount!
    اعطني خصم! (A‘teeni khasm!)
  • I will pay less than that.
    سأدفع أقل من ذلك. (Sa’adfa‘ aqall min dhalik.)
  • How about [price]?
    ماذا عن [price]? (Mada ‘an [price]?)
  • It’s too high. Can you reduce the price?
    إنه مرتفع للغاية. هل يمكنك تخفيض السعر؟ (Innahu murtifa‘ lilghayah. Hal yumkinuka takhfeedh al-si‘r?)
  • That’s my final offer.
    هذا عرضي النهائي. (Hatha ‘ardee al-nihai.)
  • I will buy if you give me a better price.
    سأشتري إذا أعطيتني سعر أفضل. (Sa’shtari idha a‘taaytani si‘r afdal.)
  • I’ll take it for [price].
    سأأخذها بـ [price]. (Sa’akhudha bi [price].)

3. Specific Items and Categories

Knowing the names of the items you’re looking for will help speed up your shopping experience. Here are some common items and categories in Arabic:

  • Clothes: ملابس (malabis)
  • Shoes: أحذية (ahziya)
  • Jewelry: مجوهرات (mujawharat)
  • Handbag: حقيبة يد (haqeebat yad)
  • Perfume: عطر (‘itr)
  • Electronics: إلكترونيات (elektronyat)
  • Furniture: أثاث (athath)
  • Food: طعام (ta‘am)
  • Spices: توابل (tawabel)
  • Souvenirs: هدايا تذكارية (hadhaya tadhkariyah)

4. Describing Items

To ask about or describe an item, here are some useful phrases:

  • What color is it?
    ما هو لونه؟ (Ma huwa lawnuh?)
  • It’s very beautiful!
    إنها جميلة جدًا! (Innaha jameelah jiddan!)
  • Is this the only size?
    هل هذا هو الحجم الوحيد؟ (Hal hatha huwa al-hajm al-waheed?)
  • Is this the latest model?
    هل هذا هو الطراز الأحدث؟ (Hal hatha huwa al-tiraz al-ahdath?)
  • Is it available in other colors?
    هل هو متاح بألوان أخرى؟ (Hal huwa mutaah bi alwan ukhra?)
  • Does it come with a warranty?
    هل يأتي مع ضمان؟ (Hal ya’ti ma‘ dhaman?)

5. Shopping Phrases for Bargaining

Here are some phrases specifically for bargaining and negotiating the best deal:

  • I don’t have that much money.
    ليس لدي هذا المبلغ. (Laysa ladayya hatha al-mablagh.)
  • Can you give me a better price?
    هل يمكنك إعطائي سعر أفضل؟ (Hal yumkinuka i‘taai si‘r afdal?)
  • This price is too high for me.
    هذا السعر مرتفع جدًا بالنسبة لي. (Hatha al-si‘r murtifa‘ jiddan lilbinafsah li.)
  • I’ll give you [amount] if you accept.
    سأعطيك [amount] إذا قبلت. (Sa‘ateeka [amount] idha qabilt.)
  • Let’s settle on [price].
    لنستقر على [price]. (Linastakir ‘ala [price].)
  • I’m ready to pay. How much is the final price?
    أنا جاهز للدفع. كم السعر النهائي؟ (Ana jahiz lil-daf‘. Kam al-si‘r al-nihayi?)

6. Helpful Shopping Tips

  • Be polite: Bargaining in Arabic cultures is friendly and respectful. Be courteous, even if the price seems high.
  • Smile and stay calm: A warm smile can go a long way. Don’t be afraid to negotiate, but do it in a friendly and calm manner.
  • Know your budget: Set a budget before you start shopping to avoid overspending.
  • Practice makes perfect: The more you practice bargaining in Arabic, the better you’ll get at it.
  • Accept “no” gracefully: If the price doesn’t drop, accept the offer with grace. You can always try another shop.


Shopping in Arabic-speaking countries can be an exciting and rewarding experience, especially when you know the right vocabulary and bargaining strategies. With these essential shopping phrases and words, you’ll be ready to navigate the markets like a pro. Whether you’re buying clothes, spices, or souvenirs, your bargaining skills will help you get a great deal!

Happy shopping!
تسوق سعيد! (Tasawuq sa‘eed!)

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