You’ve just landed at the airport of an Arabic country, you’ve made it through customs,
Units of Measurements in Arabic

You’ve just landed at the airport of an Arabic country, you’ve made it through customs,
Transportation Vocabulary in Arabic This Arabic lesson is about some of the most used Transportation
Air and Space in Arabic Today’s morning traffic was a little bit unusual in the
In this lesson we will discuss the necessary phrases for greeting one another. The normal Hello/Hi in Arabic Greetings has two forms. The first one is “As-salaamu alaykum” السلام عليكم which is made of two words and means “Pease be upon you”. The response is switching words and adding a small “wa” at the beginning which means “and”, the result is “Wa alaykom salam” وعليكم السلام. The other form of saying Hello/Hi in Arabic is “Marḥaban” مرحبا…
In this post we are going to learn the Arabic days of the week. You will see different forms used in the pronunciation of the Arabic days and which one is more appropriate to use…
Days of the week ايام الاسبوع