Today’s post is a quick reminder for a previous article that we’ve listed about two years ago under the same title: Arabic Vocabulary: Job Titles and Occupations in Arabic. It’s a short list of some of the most common Jobs and Occupations in Arabic.
Tag: Learn Arabic for Free
The Five Senses in Arabic
In this post, we will talk about the five senses (الحَواسُّ الخَمْسُ) of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing in Arabic. this post will also include information about the different body organs that our senses uses and some other useful information regarding this subject.
Transportation Vocabulary in Arabic
Transportation Vocabulary in Arabic This Arabic lesson is about some of the most used Transportation
Air and Space in Arabic: Space Shuttle Discovery
Air and Space in Arabic Today’s morning traffic was a little bit unusual in the
Body Parts in Arabic: The Hands and Feet
In today’s Arabic lesson, we are going to continue learning about the “human body parts
Body Parts in Arabic: The Face in Arabic
The Arabic face parts’ names In the previous post, we talked about the various human
لماذا تدرّس روسيا اللغة العربية؟
Why Arabic is being taught in Russia?
هل ستحافظ اللغة العربية في القرن الحادي والعشرين على مواقعها في المجالات العملية والثقافية في ظل ظروف العولمة ، بالرغم من بعض التوقعات المقلقة لمنظمة اليونيسكو ؟ ولماذا يتنامى في روسيا الاهتمام بدراسة اللغة العربية ؟ وكيف هو الحال بالنسبة للمدرسة الروسية ذات التقاليد العريقة في تعليم اللغة العربية واعداد المستعربين؟ واين سيطبق معارفهم اولئك المستعربون الذين تخرجوا من المعاهد العالية الروسية المتخصصة؟ هذه الاسئلة وغيرها تقع في مركز اهتمام ضيوف برنامج “بانوراما”.
Arabic Vocabulary: Job Titles and Occupations in Arabic
In our daily conversations, it’s very common to talk about someone’s occupation, especially when getting to know the person for the first time. Everybody in this word has an occupation; it’s one of those things that tell a lot a lot about a person. That’s why, in this “Learn Arabic” post, we’ve chosen to give you a list of common jobs.
Arabic Grammar: Adjectives in Arabic
An adjective in Arabic is called Na’t نعت or Sifah صفة Singular of sifaat صفات and it’s typically a word that describes a noun (Object, person, place…) called man’oot منعوت or “mawssoof” موصوف. Unlike in English, the Arabic adjectives come after the noun they qualify and should agree with it in gender, number, and sometimes even in definiteness.